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HCBS Settings Webinar Series: Ensuring Rate Sufficiency: Rate Review & Revision Approaches

This is NOT an ANCOR call.  CMS is hosting this call.
HCBS Settings Webinar Series: Ensuring Rate Sufficiency: Rate Review and Revision Approaches:Monitoring rate sufficiency in §1915(c) waiver programs  is essential for ensuring that payments for Home and Community Based services (HCBS) are consistent with efficiency, economy, and quality of care and are strong enough to support adequate provider pools. This training will identify strategies states can use to assess rate sufficiency for HCBS and actions states can take to update or revise rate setting methodologies when needed. This training will discuss factors states should consider when performing rate adjustments, rebasing rates, or redesigning rate methodologies. As the training lead through the HCBS Rate Review Contract overseen by the Division of Long Term Services & Supports (DLTSS), Navigant Consulting will present this training along with Ralph Lollar, DLTSS Division Director.
Wednesday, November 30th from 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm ET
Audio option #1: 1-844-396-8222   Participant Code:  903 274 929
Audio option #2 and webinar link:…

Shannon McCracken is a leader when it comes to supporting the needs of people with developmental and intellectual disabilities. After a decade of experience at the two largest SCL agencies in Kentucky, she made the decision to embrace a new opportunity and start her own company, Commonwealth Case Management. While in the field, Shannon has won numerous national awards and served in multiple leadership positions, most recently with the Kentucky Association of Private Providers (KAPP). From November 2009 - 2012, she served as the Vice-President of Public Policy for the KAPP Board of Directors and served as President from 2012-2015. In 2016, KAPP made a significant investment in its future and offered Shannon a full-time position as the State Executive Director. Being so involved has enabled Shannon to stay at the leading edge and have a great understanding of what it takes to support people with disabilities.

Shannon is a graduate of Western Kentucky University...wife to Tony, mom to Davis (19) & Caroline (17.)

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