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The Re-KAPP 10.28.16
Happy Friday, everyone!
Here’s your weekly Re-KAPP:
- Guardianship MOU’s: I received reports that some state Guardianship workers and supervisors were STILL making requests referencing the MOU’s between DAIL and SCL (residential & CM) providers. I posted the provider letter, ending those MOUs effective 7/12/16 from Commissioner Anderson, on a separate blog post for your reference. I also contacted Mike Handy and Jessica Wayne (Guardianship Supervisors) about the issue. I reminded them that Commissioner Anderson had told me on July 12th, that none of the MOU’s (even ones not expiring until later in the year) would not be enforced or monitored. Mike Handy said they would be addressing this in their next staff meetings.
- MAP 531/MPW: Some case managers reported receiving LOI’s (Lack of Information documents) from SHPS/Carewise for not submitting a MAP 531 form for Michelle P. Waiver recipients. (This seemed to have begun once DDID QA’s resumed their monitoring of MP.) Cynthia Coomes, a KAPP Member from Louisville (HMR), was able to get a clarification for us from Alisha Clark (DMS) this week,
“There should only be an LOI if the relationship is conflicted and the proper documentation is not provided.” Cynthia correctly referenced the regulation, “The language reads that a Map 531 is only required when requested an exemption to conflict-free case management not as part of the regular forms needed to obtain services.” Thank you, Cynthia!
- Exceptional Rate Protocol Workgroup: Thank you to everyone for responding to my survey so quickly seeking data on 1:1 supervision levels. I was able to turn that around and submit the numbers to Commissioner Anderson on Monday. The solution our workgroup proposed (along with the survey data) is still being carefully reviewed by Commissioners Miller & Anderson. You should still continue to request any Exceptional Rates needed as the situations occur, per the current process. If you encounter difficulty in the process or pushback on your cost reports, I’d ask that you please make me aware of those.
- Monthly Summary & Recoupment Workgroups: The proposals from these 2 workgroups are being held with the Ex Rate Workgroup proposal, so that all 3 can be submitted to providers for their review and comments simultaneously. I’m patiently waiting for these, while staying in close contact with Commissioner Anderson.
- Emergency Regulation (SCL): Any immediate changes required by the proposals in the 3 workgroups (above), will be implemented in an e-reg. We still expect that to occur in the next month. Stay tuned…
- Waiver Redesign Workgroup: This small workgroup continues with weekly meetings/calls with the primary function of gathering information (data/trends) from other states regarding systems redesign, Managed Care & Accountable Care Models, assessment tools used and tiered rate systems. We will be providing an update on this group’s work at our annual KAPP Meeting, 11/9.
- Grassroots: We need for each of you to begin looking at your calendar for a date you could invite YOUR LEGISLATORS to visit your agency! Invite them to not only meet and interact with the people you support through the Medicaid Waivers, but also your important DSP Workforce! Share our advocacy video and invite them! Find your legislators HERE!
KAPP ANNUAL Membership Meeting & Elections
Wednesday – November 9, 2016
10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Indiana Wesleyan University Building – Hamburg
2530 Sir Barton Way, Suite 200
Lexington, KY 40509
Agenda will include: Strategic Planning for 2017, Election Updates & Analysis, Waiver Updates, Committee Reporting, etc.
Confirmed Speaker: Commissioner Debbie Anderson
*catered lunch provided – limit attendance to 2 members per provider agency
Announcement: IJC on Health & Welfare
Wednesday – November 16, 2016
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Capitol Annex – Frankfort
The agenda will include: KAPP – Raising Awareness, Value & Wages of our DSP Workforce
Shannon McCracken, with 2016 DSP State Winner Betsy Byrnes
(Meeting is open to the public, members & DSP’s are encouraged to attend!)
Is your legislator on this committee?
Early Voting is open in Kentucky!
Check Out New Information on

ANCOR’s Voter Resources Page
Then Get Out and Vote!
ANCOR hosted a webinar on the election and resources available to people with disabilities. The webinar recording is available here.
Also check out the Association of University Centers on Disabilities’ “Tuesdays with Liz” interview on voting, available here.
Both major party candidates have now responded to AAPD’s REV UP 2016 Presidential Candidate Questionnaire, which asks for details of the candidates’ positions on disability issues. RespectAbility also published responses on a separate questionnaire (only Clinton has responded at this time).
Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump
Important News Stories:
Have a great weekend,

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